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Milialar What is Milia in the Eyelids? Its Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

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Milialar is a well-known term in Turkey popularly referred to as Milia. It refers to tiny crystal-like cysts, similar to pearls, that usually occur on the eyelids and skin especially on the eyeslids. While these tiny bumps are usually benign, they can be uncomfortable because of their appearance. It’s important to know that milialar is not a kind of acne. In this thorough guide, we’ll dig deeper into milialar or milia. We will explore its different types, their development symptoms, signs as well as preventive measures and treatments. The information we provide is built on extensive research and expert insight into the condition, which will ensure you’re aware of the condition.

What exactly is Milia as well as Milialar?

Milialar are tiny, dome-shaped bumps which typically vary in size between 2 millimeters to roughly the size of pinheads. They look like whitish-yellow crystal-like cysts, with an even and supple surface. The most frequent place to see them is on the eyeslids as well as the skin underneath the eyes, which is where they appear like tiny pearls that are embedded in the skin. According to a study milialar occurs when keratin an ingredient found in hair, skin hair and nails is trapped under the surface of skin. While they’re typically observed in babies, people of all ages can also develop milialar usually because of damage to the skin.

A Fun Fact The reason is that despite the similar sounding name Mila (singular: Milium) as well as milialar are not in any way related to malaria, an illness caused by parasites.

Different types of Milia or Milialar

Milialar is divided into two kinds: Primary Milialar and Secondary Milialar.

Primary Milialar or Milia

Primary milialar is created by the entrapment of keratin in the skin. They are typically found in neonates because of sweat glands that are not mature. The most important characteristics of the primal milia and milialar are:

  • Small, white-to-yellow cysts.
  • Usually, it is located in the face, most notably on the cheeks, nose and around the eyes.
  • Asymptomatic, but generally.
  • It usually resolves itself spontaneously in infants within a few weeks months.

Milialar or Secondary Milia

Secondary milialar On another hand can develop due to injuries or trauma on the the skin. They may occur in adult after a variety of skin conditions or treatments. Some of the features of secondary milia and milialar are:

  • Similar to the appearance of primary milialar It is often found in the areas in which an injury or surgical procedure was performed.
  • It is possible that symptoms are related to the root causes, for example, burning pain.
  • The duration varies, and it can last longer, depending on the reason.
  • The root cause of the issue is vital, and solutions such as laser therapy, manual extraction or medication could be thought of.

What causes Milia and Milialar Development?

Milialar forms in the event that dead skin cells get trapped beneath the skin’s surface, which results into the creation of small cysts. They are usually seen around the eyes, specifically around the cheeks and around the eyes but they may also appear all over the body. There are a variety of factors that influence the formation of milia or milialar but the actual cause isn’t always clear. The main factors are:

  • Genetics Certain individuals have a genetic predisposition to the development of an milia which is often passed down through families.
  • Sun Exposition Excessive sun exposure may cause damage to facial skin in time, thereby raising the risk of developing milia.
  • The skin injury Injuries of the skin like burns, cuts, abrasions, or blisters can result in the development of milia during recovery.
  • Certain medical conditions disorders that cause irritation and dryness of the skin, such as eczema can increase the chance of developing.
  • Medical Treatment Certain medicines like steroids could increase milia as an adverse result.
  • Heavy Makeup and Creams Utilizing heavy, oily products could create cysts and clog pores.

Milialar is the most frequent condition among newborns, and between 50 and 50% of babies developing Milia that usually go away within a couple of weeks. The hormonal influence of motherhood could be the reason for this phenomenon. But, the fact is that milialar is a problem that affects about 2.5 percent of the adult population. Women are more commonly affected than males, and milia are more common with age. being believed to be triggered by the effects of age on skin cell kinetics and a loss of skin elasticity.

Development Process

The creation of milialar is dependent on a specific procedure:

  1. Renewing the Skin As part of the process of renewal it naturally eliminates dead skin cells. Sometimes, the cells don’t shed correctly.
  2. The trapped Keratin The trapped cells make keratin that builds up.
  3. Development of Cysts The accumulation of this type results with the creation of small cysts underneath the skin, resulting in Mila.

Expert Information: There are a variety of types of milialar however primary milialar that develop spontaneously as a result of the entrapment of keratin are most prevalent in the eyelids. Secondary milialar can result due to burns, trauma or blisters, or from ophthalmic diseases.

The signs and symptoms for Milia or Milialar

Milialar are usually evident because of their distinct appearance. Milialar can be seen as:

  • Small white bumps that look like pearls around the eyelids, as well as around the eyes..
  • Smooth, dome-shaped bumps that resemble pearls that are hidden beneath the skin.
  • White or yellowish-yellow in color.
  • They may appear in groups.
  • Most of the time, they aren’t painful and don’t cause irritation or itching.
  • They can remain the same for a period of weeks or even months or even disappear completely by themselves.
  • Sometimes, it can release an oily, cheese-like discharge, if it is ruptured.

Tips If you’re not sure regarding any skin condition or have any concerns about your skin, you should seek out a dermatologist for accurate diagnosis and advice.

Preventive measures

Although it might not be impossible to avoid milialar in all cases, the following suggestions can help in reducing the likelihood of their emergence:

  • Use non-comedogenic, oil-free makeup and moisturizers.
  • Avoid greasy, heavy cosmetics and creams close to the eyes.
  • Exfoliate and cleanse the skin often to remove any clogging.
  • Use a gentle technique so as to not injure the skin.
  • Use sunscreen regularly and limit sun exposure that is not protected.
  • Maintain your skin’s hydration to avoid dryness.
  • Make sure you remove all makeup completely before bedtime and dispose of the old make-up.
  • Treatment of skin conditions such as eczema.
  • If you’re prone to milia or millia, you should avoid intense chemical peels or facials that could cause them to worsen.

Solutions for Treatment of Milia or Milialar

In the majority of cases, milialar does not require treatment and can heal in a matter of weeks or months. If the bumps continue to cause discomfort, a variety of treatment options are available.

  • prescription Retinoid creams Creams that contain either adapalene, tretinoin or tazarotene, can help to dry out and shed out the muscle.
  • Microdermabrasion This method uses fine crystals that gently remove the outer skin layers and promote healing.
  • Chemical Peels: Applying an astringent alkali solution, such as salicylic acid or glycolic acid will help in removing and softening the lesions.
  • Electrocautery This is the process of burning away the milialar by using a hyfrecator-cauterizing device, using the use of local anesthetic.
  • manual extraction A dermatologist is able to make the cyst open using an sterile needle, and then squeeze the contents.
  • Cryotherapy Cryotherapy: Freezing bumps with liquid nitrogen in order to remove the lesions.
  • Laser ablation Utilizing laser energy to eliminate the cysts.
  • surgical removal: In a few instances dermatologists may decide to perform a surgical procedure via cutting and draining the lymphatic system often necessitating stitches.

Important note This information is for educational use only and it is advised to seek advice from an expert in dermatology prior to beginning the treatment.


In the end, milialar, the small pearl-like cysts that appear on the skin are typically benign and are typically located on the eyelids as well as in the area around eyes. While they’re more common in babies, adults can also develop them, usually because of skin injuries. Milialar is available in a variety of forms and their growth is affected by many elements, including genetics sun exposure and skin injuries and medical conditions, medication and the use of thick creams and cosmetics.

If you’re suffering from milialar which causes anxiety, there are many treatments available, however the majority of cases will resolve naturally. To avoid developing milia, it’s important to adhere to the correct skincare routines Avoid heavy cosmetics, no makeup and shield your skin from sun exposure.

This extensive guide will provide the reader with an in-depth knowledge of milia’s kinds, its development, signs and symptoms, prevention measures and treatments. If you have concerns about your skin, or milialar contact an experienced dermatologist.

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